Privacy & Cookie Policy for the Website ""

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), has been in force since 25/05/2018. GDPR (EU) 2016/679 is directly applicable, and the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania in the field of personal data protection is applicable to the extent provided for and permitted by the GDPR MB ,,Autorasta" ensures that personal data are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, are collected only for the purposes set out and clearly defined in this policy and are not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes. MB ,,Autorasta" uses organisational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.


1.1. the Website is an online portal for the provision of taxi and cab driver job opportunities, which can be accessed at the following web address - 1.2 - MB "Autorasta", a small partnership established in the Republic of Lithuania, legal entity code 304923372, registered office address - Veiverių g. 9B-62, Vilniaus m. Sav. The data is collected and processed in the Register of Legal Entities of the State Enterprise "Centre of Registers". 1.3 "User" means any person (whether a person or a legal entity) who registers or submits data in the registration form of the website 1.4. "User" means any person (whether a natural person or a legal entity) who has not registered or has registered with the Website and who uses the Website; 1.5. Services - the website offers taxi and chauffeur work, passenger flow brokerage, car rental brokerage, services which may be updated, added to or changed from time to time on the Website, and at all times the term "Services" will include all such services listed on the Website. 1.6. An account on the website is a link on the relevant web page. 1.7. Partners - are considered to be such legal entities with which cooperates in providing Services on the Website. 1.8. A cookie is a small file that is placed on your device when anyone visits a website. 1.9. Browser - a program for displaying web pages (websites) on the web or on a personal computer; 1.10. Personal data' means any information relating to a natural or legal person, the data subject, who is identified or can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to data such as a personal identification number, or to one or more factors specific to him or her, whether of a physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social nature; 1.11. Recipient of personal data - the legal or natural person to whom personal data is provided, including Partners; 1.12. Privacy Policy - this document which sets out the basic rules for the collection, processing and storage of personal data and other relevant information when using the Website. 1.13. Law - Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data. 1.14. General requirements - Order No 1T-17(1.12) of 12 November 2008 of the Director of the State Data Protection Inspectorate No 1T-17(1.12) , On the approval of general requirements for organisational and technical measures for the security of personal data.; 1.15. Website Administrator - the person responsible for the administration of the Website. 1.16. IP address - A unique number assigned to each computer connected to the Internet, known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Because these numbers are usually assigned by country block, the IP address can often be used to identify the country where the computer is connected to the Internet.


2.1 The Privacy Policy of the Website provides the basic rules for the collection, storage and processing of Personal Data and other information relevant to the User and/or the User using the Website and ordering the Services provided on the Website. 2.2 The Privacy Policy is designed to protect and defend the Personal and other data of Users and/or Users of the Website against unauthorized use. 2.3 Both Users and Users shall be deemed to be aware of this Privacy Policy when they register on the Website and/or submit data in the registration form by ticking the relevant section (I have read the Terms and Conditions) and/or providing an e-mail address, receiving it by e-mail, or ordering any other relevant services. This Website document can be consulted at any time on the Website. Users and Users will always be informed of any future changes and/or additions to the Privacy Policy, both on the Site and by e-mail, when they first subscribe to the Services and/or register on the Site following such changes. 2.4 is not registered in the Register of Personal Data Protection Controllers, as from 2018. The registration of data controllers in the Register of Personal Data Controllers has been discontinued following the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on 25 May 2018. 2.5 This Privacy Policy applies in all cases where receives Personal Data as a result of a User and/or a User subscribing to and/or acquiring Services through the Website, Users and/or Users should note that if they subscribe to Services provided by Partners, the protection of their Personal Data may be subject to the Partners' privacy policies, which are not the responsibility of would also like to point out that the Website contains links to the websites of other persons, companies or organizations and that is not responsible for the content of such websites and/or the methods used by such websites to ensure their privacy policies, and that therefore, before submitting any information about themselves, the User should familiarize themselves with the terms and conditions of the relevant website, privacy policy and other documents. 2.6 Persons wishing to register, submit a registration form for the purpose of employment, working under an Individual Activity Certificate in the field of land transport, obtaining customer traffic, or becoming a partner must provide the following data: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, driver's license number, driver's license validity period (from/up to), Individual Activity Certificate number, make of car, color of car, year of manufacture of car, license number of the car. After submitting the registration form, the User and/or the User may no longer modify and/or delete the data provided on the Website. If you wish to correct and/or delete the data provided, please contact the Website Administrator by e-mail:


3.1 Depending on the nature of the specific Services ordered by the User and/or the User, the following Personal Data is collected and stored - Name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, driver's license number, driver's license validity period (from/to), number of the certificate of individual activity, make of the car, colour of the car, year of manufacture of the car, license number of the car, IP address. 3.2 The Website uses two types of Cookies: 3.2.1.The first type of cookies -, in order to improve its Website and to ensure the diversity and quality of the Services offered and the effective use of the Website, informs that when using the Website, information is collected to calculate the Website traffic (collect statistical information), to provide the content of the Website that is relevant to the User's and/or User's interests, and to save the history of the visit, when the User's and/or User's consent is obtained as described in this Privacy Policy. Consent is valid indefinitely until the User and/or User withdraws his/her consent by notifying the Website Administrator at the following e-mail address: Detailed information about Cookies that collect statistical information: 3.2.2. Second type of Cookies - Please be advised that when you log in to the Website, in order to use the Website, the following Cookies are placed on your computer. 3.3.The User and/or the User expresses his/her prior voluntary consent to allow to store cookies by clicking on the "I AGREE" button in the following manner: "Please be informed that this website uses cookies. Please click on the "I agree" button to accept. You can revoke your choice at any time by changing your browser settings and deleting the cookies you have saved." 3.4 You can delete or block all of these Cookies in your browser settings, but in this case parts of the website may not work.


4.1 uses personal data for the following purposes: 4.1.1. for the purpose of ordering the Website Services. In order to order the Services offered on the Website, the User and/or the User must provide Personal Data to the extent necessary to order a specific Service, i.e. to register for the activity of a cab and/or taxi driver and/or to become a partner of the company. 4.1.2. for the purposes of the efficient provision of the Land Transport Services offered on the Website. takes care that the Services offered on the Website and the ordering of them are efficient, as well as to prevent identity theft 4.1.3. in order to ensure the continuous improvement and development of the services of the Website, and to provide the User and/or the User with the best possible offer of the Services, shall have the right to use the Personal Data for marketing purposes when the User and/or the User expresses his/her consent (e.g., by ticking the relevant box, submitting a registration form or subscribing to a newsletter, etc.). 4.2 For direct marketing purposes, collects the following personal data: name, e-mail. Consent to the use of Personal Data for marketing purposes is expressed by ticking the appropriate box when submitting the registration form or subscribing to the newsletter, etc. 4.3 All Personal Data collected for direct marketing and other purposes shall comply with the provisions of the Act and the General Requirements. 4.4 The User and/or the User may withdraw this consent at any time by sending an e-mail to the Website Administrator at 4.5 The Website Administrator may use the IP addresses of Users and/or Users in the administration of the Website and in the diagnosis of possible malfunctions.

5.ACCOUNTS: Accounts are links on certain web pages, which may contain the same information as on the Website, as is the operator of both the Website and the Accounts. Users of the Accounts on the Site are subject to the Privacy Policy and the rules of the website on which the Account is located, as well as to this Privacy Policy and any other rules applicable to published on the Site. 5.2 has Accounts on the following websites: 5.2.1. (fan page/fanpage: social network Facebook) 5.2.2. (fan page/fanpage: social network Instagram) 5.2.3. partner

6.PROVISION OF PERSONAL DATA: informs that it does not transfer or disclose Personal Data to third parties located in the Republic of Lithuania, the countries of the European Union and other foreign countries, except for the cases specified below: 6.1.1. with the consent of the User and/or the User's consent; 6.1.2. when providing the Services offered on the Website - to Partners or authorized third parties who process Personal Data on behalf of for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy, for example, to obtain a job offer, rent a car, etc.; 6.1.3. to law enforcement authorities in accordance with the procedure provided by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania; 6.1.4. if it is necessary to prevent or investigate criminal offences. 6.2 When ordering the Services offered on the Website, depending on the nature of the specific Services, Personal Data may be provided to Service providers in foreign countries. 6.3 The User's and/or User's Personal Data is provided to the Member States of the European Union or to other foreign countries under the same terms and conditions and in the same manner as to the recipients of Personal Data in the Republic of Lithuania, only for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.


7.1 The User and/or the User authorizes to collect, manage, process and store the User's and/or the User's Personal Data to the extent and for the purposes as provided for in the Privacy Policy and other documents of the Site. The User and/or the User has the right to revoke his/her permission for to collect, manage and process his/her Personal Data. At any time, request the cessation of the collection, processing, management or deletion of his/her Personal Data by contacting the Website Administrator at The giving or withdrawal of consent to the collection, management and processing of the User's and/or User's Personal Data is only valid for the future. shall, upon receipt of such notification from the User and/or User, immediately suspend the processing of that Personal Data, but this does not mean that shall delete/destroy the Personal Data if it has a reason to retain it. 7.2 The User and/or the User shall have the right to access their Personal Data. In order to find out what Personal Data has collected and from what sources, for what purposes it is processed, to which recipients it is and has been provided, the User/User must contact in advance at the email address specified in this Privacy Policy. shall exercise the User's and/or User's right of access to the processed personal data within 30 calendar days of receipt of the User's and/or User's request. 7.3 If, after accessing their Personal Data, the User and/or the User finds that the Personal Data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, they shall have the right to contact by e-mail to request the correction of the incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate Personal Data and/or to suspend the processing of such Personal Data. Personal Data shall be rectified and erased or its processing shall be suspended on the basis of documents confirming the identity of the data subject and his/her Personal Data. shall exercise the User's and/or User's right to suspend the processing of Personal Data (or to delete Personal Data) within 5 working days of receipt of the User's and/or User's request. 7.4 shall store the Personal Data for 5 (five) years from the date of its submission, unless a different retention period is provided for in this Privacy Policy. 7.5 The User and/or the User agrees in advance that has the right to keep his/her data until the completion of an investigation by the responsible authorities in the event that his/her data has been used in the course of an unlawful act or for identity theft or any other violation for which an investigation by the relevant law enforcement authorities has been or will be carried out, if YandexPartner. has received complaints regarding the User and/or User concerned, or if has observed violations of the Privacy Policy and/or the rules of the Website by the User and/or User concerned, or if there are any other legitimate purposes for storing Personal Data. 7.6 In exercising the aforementioned rights, the User and/or the User may contact by email at


8.1 ensures that the Personal Data provided by the User and/or the User on the Website is protected against any unauthorized actions: unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal Data, identity theft, fraud and the level of protection of the Personal Data is in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2 Personal Data shall be protected against loss, unauthorised use and alteration. The room where the collected data is stored shall be physically protected against access by unauthorised persons. The database storing the data of the Users and/or Users of the Website shall be protected against unauthorised access through computer networks. 8.3 The User undertakes and is obliged to keep all his/her registration data, login data (if any) and other data secure. Both the User and the User undertakes and is obliged not to disclose to any other third parties any Personal Data about him or herself or about third parties, if such Personal Data of third parties have been made available to him or her, and to inform immediately of any apparent breaches.


9.1. This Privacy Policy is effective as of 10 December 2018. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be notified to Users and/or Users on the Website in the privacy policy descriptions and by sending notices to the email address when the User and/or User submits a new registration form.